cleanrooms for education

Cleanroom Supplies for Education

Integrity Cleanroom products are sorted into structured categories below, suited for use within Educational establishments, based on top-selling items searched within the education sector. Shop our products by brand, top consumable sellers, or narrow down your search by specific cleanroom ISO ratings to find the ideal product for your cleanroom requirements.

Cleanroom Clothing & PPE (30)

Cleaning and Disinfectants (37)

Cleanroom Stationery (4)

Cleanroom Matting (3)

Cleanroom Furniture (5)

Cleanrooms and Clean Air Equipment (3)

ESD and Antistatic (22)



With many students coming in and out of research facilities daily, keeping the workspace clean is a critical function. We stock brands like Kimtech, Kimberly-Clark, Inspec and Kleenguard as well as the Integrity range of consumables. As well as cleanroom equipment, we also stock a wide choice of disposable and cleanroom permanent coveralls, lab coats, and glove liners which can be laundered after each use.
case study

UK University Trauma Research

A national centre for trauma research at a UK University is taking discoveries from the military frontline to improve outcomes for all patients. Read more about our case study....


The Integrity Cleanroom range has been developed to meet the most stringent cleanroom process requirements serving multiple industries. This covers a full spectrum of cleanroom sector users from Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Medical Device and Healthcare to Microelectronics, Semiconductor, Nanotechnology, Precision Engineering and Automotive manufacturing. Please leave us a message and a member of our technical supplies team will be in touch.

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